Gwinnett County Divorce Attorney

We Help Navigate The Complexities Of Divorce

Compassionate. Knowledgeable. Experienced.
For 20 Years, Gwinnett County Divorce Attorney Dodie Sachs Has Helped North Georgia Navigate Their Family Law Needs.

The Divorce Process

Divorce is a difficult and emotional process for all parties involved. In Gwinnett County, the process for obtaining a divorce is similar to other counties, but regardless of the similarities, the process can be long, involved and daunting. As a Gwinnett County divorce attorney, Dodie Sachs can help ease the pain of the divorce process.

An image of a woman in a bed with a tear on her face.

Filing For Divorce

To file for divorce in Gwinnett County, one spouse must have been a resident of Gwinnett for at least six months prior to filing. The divorce petition will be filed in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County. All petitions for divorce must state the grounds for divorce which may can include:
1. Adultery
2. Desertion
3. Irreparable breakdown of the marriage.

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Default Divorce Gwinnett

Once filed, the other spouse (now known as the defendant), will be served with “divorce papers” which include a copy of the petition and a summons to appear in court. If the petition is not responded to within 30 days, the court may proceed with a default divorce.

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Divorce Discovery

If the petition is responded to, the case will go through discovery, during this process the parties can gather information from each other and witnesses. Discovery can include financial information, such as:
1. Bank statements
2. Tax Returns
3. Information related to children.

Once discovery is complete, the parties can reach a settlement agreement or proceed to trial. If a settlement is reached, the terms of the agreement must be approved by the court before the divorce can be finalized. If the case goes to trial, the judge will decide on issues including:
1. Property Division
2. Alimony
3. Child Custody

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Child Custody in Divorce

In Gwinnett County, the court always puts the best interest of the children first regarding child custody decisions. Custody decisions are based on factors such as:
1. Child’s Age
2. Health
3. Relationship with each parent

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Hiring A Gwinnett County Divorce Attorney

When going through a divorce in Gwinnett, it is important to have the assistance of an experienced attorney. An attorney can help you navigate the legal process, protect your rights, and ensure that your interests are represented in court. They can also help you reach a fair settlement agreement that is in your best interests.

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